+46 587 10140 info@dianor.se

Work Environment Policy

Dianor wants all employees to be of good health and spirit. Caring and respect for each other and being responsible for your own worktasks are examples of important factors that promote good and safe Working Conditions in our business. We take the necessary measures to avoid and prevent employees from being injured at work.

We put great emphasis on preventive work with the work environment, which takes place in close collaboration between management and employees. Legislation is a minimum requirement.

We continuously evaluate the company’s efforts in the work environment area in order to be able to make continuous improvements in the daily work environment. We investigate bad health, accidents, incidents and risks to avoid recurrence.

The company’s work environment, which includes both physical and psychosocial factors, must be characterized by commitment, efficiency, willingness to change and responsibility. Feeling motivated for your work is fundamental to good health.

The work environment must be:

  • Characterized by a committed leadership
  • Characterized by respect, openness and trust in each other and stimulate the will to succeed
  • Include constantly improved handling of work environment issues
  • Followed up at least once a year
  • Discussed at the our workplace meetings, where the business as a whole is treated


  • Involve personal responsibility for health and the environment in daily work, e.g. by following regulations, routines and decisions
  • Give employees opportunities to influence their own work situation, by giving them responsibility for their tasks and givning them the authory they need to accomplish them.
  • Create conditions for better performance and personal and professional development

This Policy has been developed by the management of Dianor AB.
Nora 2022-05-26
